Category Archives: Career Advice

Looking for career advice on negotiating your salary, job searching, or stepping into a new job? Whether you’re feeling stuck in your career track, accepting a new management job, or wondering if now is the right time to ask for a promotion, Joel has answers for you. These articles will help you land the job of your dreams, shift career track if necessary, make an action plan for the first 90 days of a new job, manage your time wisely, and get the salary you deserve.

Even if you’ve experienced hurdles like being laid off, these articles will help you move forward in your career by planning effectively and leveraging your strengths. No matter what challenges you face, creative thinking and conviction in your abilities will help you to triumph over them and achieve a rewarding career.

Downsizing Motivation Theory: Encouragement Is Key

If you are being forced to lay off employees, you have probably already given some thought to applying downsizing motivation theory to keep your surviving employees motivated before, during, and after the layoffs.  However, you should also be concerned about motivating your exiting employees.  Employees who are laid off are much more likely to speak negatively about the company if they are given little or no support as they transition back into the job market.

When it comes to motivating those who are experiencing loss, encouragement is key.  As George Mattew Adams wrote, “Encouragement is like oxygen for the soul.”  It is during the most difficult times in a person’s life that encouragement is most needed and appreciated.  Losing a job is one of those times.  By offering encouragement to your exiting employees, you will help them keep a positive outlook, which is essential as they try to find new … Continue reading Downsizing Motivation Theory: Encouragement Is Key

Downsizing Hurts Productivity: A Case Study to Learn From

Although many companies lay off employees to cut costs and increase productivity, the result is often the opposite. In most cases, downsizing hurts productivity. A case study that was done on the fire department in Hampton, New Hampshire provides some insight into why this is true.

As part of the study, fire safety personnel were surveyed about their experiences with layoffs. Here are some of the results:

The number of respondents who were very satisfied with their jobs was 72% before the layoffs and 11% after. The number who said they were not very satisfied was 3% before and 44% after. 47% of the employees who remained after the layoffs considered looking for work at another organization. Prior to the layoffs, 97% would have recommended their workplace to others. This dropped to 39% after the layoffs. 72% believed that downsizing had hurt productivity. 81% said that the layoffs had caused … Continue reading Downsizing Hurts Productivity: A Case Study to Learn From

Change Your Current Job into Your Dream Job

Some people slog through life thinking, This is as good as it gets. They put in hours, take their paycheck, and find joy someplace else.

It doesn’t have to be that way for you. There’s a way you can find satisfaction in your current place of employment.  You won’t stay in the same spot. Instead, I’ll show you four quick ways to take your career to another level while sticking with the security of your current employer.

Write your dream job description. Find areas in your current job that match your dream job Look to add value around you Delegate the dregs

Let’s take a look at how to land your dream job sooner than you believed possible, through these four tactics.

1. Write your dream job description.

Everyone deserves to go to work with eagerness and delight at what they day will bring.  They should work from their … Continue reading Change Your Current Job into Your Dream Job

5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Pursuing Your Dream Job

Years ago, an associate of mine was working in a job that had already made him more money than most Americans earn in a lifetime. Right out of college, he landed a position with a major tech company and helped design several iterations of the world’s leading networking equipment.

Some might call my associate’s career a study in success—a perfect example of how a smart, hard-working, enterprising individual could still do great things in America. Only, the man wasn’t happy. In fact, he was miserable. He was tired of networks and technology and wished his life had taken a different direction. In other words, he felt trapped.

He was also paralyzed by fear. He attributed most of his success to luck, circumstances, and youthful enthusiasm. More than halfway through his life, how could he dramatically change its trajectory, yet still meet all of his financial obligations? More importantly, did he … Continue reading 5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Pursuing Your Dream Job

My Job Isn’t Satisfying: Changing Careers at 30, 40, or 50

Annie Asks: The job I have is not satisfying. I’ve been doing it for over twelve years. I don’t know what I like to do. How do I figure this out and find a career that is fulfilling for me?

Joel Answers: For most people, changing careers is a process, not an overnight, snap decision. You know you are unsatisfied in your current position, and you’re exploring your options. That’s the first—and often the hardest—step in the process. The good news is that you can change careers at any age or stage in your career. Whether you’re changing careers at 30 or 45, the process is still the same. Here are some tips to help you discover your dream job, regardless of how old you are or how long you’ve been in your current position.

Think about what you really love to do.

For now, don’t try to make this … Continue reading My Job Isn’t Satisfying: Changing Careers at 30, 40, or 50

Have to Let Someone Go? Follow These Tips

Letting an employee go is not a task to be taken lightly. If done in the wrong way, there can be unpleasant and long-lasting complications. This can include everything from expressions of unhappiness and stress from remaining employees to dealing with a negative reputation for the company, and even legal ramifications.

Don’t Be the Villain

In today’s world, disgruntled employees and former employees can easily spread the word about a company and what an employee considers to be unfair practices. This can result in a company that once appeared stellar suddenly looking like a villain in the eyes of hundreds or even thousands of online readers.

In many instances, the only way to repair this type of damage is with the help of online reputation management professionals like those at Obviously, rather than dealing with such a frustrating situation at all, … Continue reading Have to Let Someone Go? Follow These Tips

How to Lead Yourself to Lead Others

Successful leaders know that to effectively lead others you must first know how to lead yourself.  Living your life with humility, maturity, self-awareness and being open to learning and positive change helps you lead your own life and lead your organization.

Have you heard the old adage, “Knowledge is power?” No matter where you are in your career you need to keep learning. It doesn’t matter if you’re starting out at the bottom of the ladder or if you’ve planted your flag on the top-most rung, take the time to read, attend an industry conference, or participate in a roundtable discussion.

Learning is not enough.

Once you have the knowledge, share it with those whom you lead. Gain trust and respect and increase your executive presence as a leader. Be a role model to those under you, who look up to you … Continue reading How to Lead Yourself to Lead Others

6 Ways a Human Resources Certification Impacts You

Gayle wanted to move up in her HR job.  After careful consideration, Gayle decided to complete her Professional Human Resources Certification.  She had been working in HR long enough that she could move forward with certification.

“I really wanted to be more competitive. I know HR can be a tough field,” She said.  While the course was not easy and the test challenging, it really lifted her to a new level. She gained knowledge and skills that were exactly what she needed to grow.

She hoped the Professional Human Resources Certification (PHR) –and the initials behind her name–would give her a competitive advantage.  It did.

“But I was surprised at all the other ways the training helped me,” Gayle said. “It really made a difference.”

Here are six ways a professional human resources certificate will help your hr career.

Life-long learner.

“You need to be re-certified every three years,” Gayle … Continue reading 6 Ways a Human Resources Certification Impacts You

Business Career Development Programs (How to Find the Best)

Client Stephanie asks:  I’m really disappointed!  I paid a lot of money for a business career development program.  It promised to give me all the knowledge I needed to really move my career forward.  Then I invested all this time and effort.  And I really haven’t seen any results at all.  I feel cheated.

What should I look for in career development programs, so I can really see my business career take off?

Coach Joel Answers:  First, you need to set realistic expectations for all business career development programs.  They are not the be all and end all of career advancement.  They can play a key role in growing your skills and knowledge, but they have limits.

Typically they give you knowledge and skill sets, but they don’t always tailor the class to your needs.  Nor do they analyze your progress in a real-job way … Continue reading Business Career Development Programs (How to Find the Best)

How to Grow Your Executive Career in Healthcare

Carter works as a healthcare executive in a large regional hospital. “The new healthcare law changes the whole game,” he says. “The hospital is scrambling to find new ways to cut costs. Long time positions are under the ax and people need to expect to do more.”

Career development is important to Carter.  He not only wants to keep his job, he wants to grow with the new changes.  Carter entered healthcare because he loves serving and making a difference to people.  Now his goal is to find a way to make the new laws work in his hospital. At the same time, he wants to continue to grow his career.

“I asked myself a series of questions so I could position myself for success,” Carter said. “I wanted to continue to add value to the hospital and to advance myself.”

1. … Continue reading How to Grow Your Executive Career in Healthcare