Personal & Executive Coaching

The Top 3 Most Common Focused Areas For Leaders Are:

  1. Executive Presence

  2. Career Advancement

  3. Newly Promoted

It’s a story common to companies large and small, private and public: Two employees are equally talented and educated. They work on par with one another for a time. However, in the long-run, one person prospers while the other stagnates. The former becomes a key player in the organization’s future, while the latter stays in a lower-level role and never becomes a leader.

Why does this happen? Because the successful employee not only has talent—she is also highly skilled in these ways:

  • Creating impact

  • Exercising influence

  • Consistently providing value

All organizations draw their future executives from a pool of individuals like these.

The less successful employee may not even know what sets his more successful peer up for advancement. The criteria for a promotion may seem like a mystery to him, which can lead to resentment, a lack of loyalty, and lower retention.

How does an employee become part of this desirable talent pool?

By identifying and increasing his leadership ability so he knows how to advance through the levels of management with increasing success.

Professional development will benefit employees of all career levels. It’s never too early, and it’s never too late, to begin.

Here are three crucial areas of focus for executive coaching that can be provided to your employees, depending on what stage they’re at in their career.

Personalized Executive Presence Coaching

Unleash the It Factor That Makes Great Leaders

A personalized executive coaching program will teach your star employees how to convey confidence, command respect, and exude a professional magnetism that influences others to follow their lead. When your people are equipped with the ability to radiate leadership presence, they will become the high-impact leaders who move the organization forward. Your leaders will leave this coaching program knowing how to:

  • Radiate gravitas.

  • Act with authority.

  • Communicate with power.

As they cultivate executive presence, others will naturally flock to them, want their input and buy-in. Thus, they’ll truly have the power to drive change in your organization by getting everyone on board. They’ll also have the self-confidence to trust their intuition in decision-making, so they can act with conviction.

Benefits of Personalized Executive Coaching

Through personal coaching, an executive coach will show employees how to lead other leaders as well as their direct reports. These programs play a central role in any succession plan, priming your top talent to take on increased responsibility that drives your firm to greater success. When an executive coach works on a personal level with clients, customizing a performance coaching program to their needs, they’ll get strategies that truly work for them and clarity on how to use them well.

Guidance for the Newly Promoted

Navigating the Transition at the Next Level

Executive coaching helps newly promoted employees to navigate their transition to the next level of their career. Utilizing the 3-Stage Promotion Model will help leaders before, during, and after the promotion. Most leaders need a new set of capabilities, leadership skills, and talents to succeed after receiving a promotion. Your leaders will emerge from this type of coaching program knowing how to navigate all of the following:

  • Increased job complexity.

  • Expanded responsibility and expectations.

  • New team dynamics and cross-functional relationships.

  • Exposure and visibility to higher levels of management.

  • The demanding workload and long hours of the job.

Don’t thrust employees into new positions without thorough preparation. Executive coaching helps leaders succeed in a new job. Through a highly personal one-on-one executive coaching program customized to their needs and job demands, you’ll make sure they’re prepared to step up to the challenges of their new role. Coaching can provide the necessary support needed to make a successful big transition to a new management job.

Rather than suffering from imposter syndrome, which sets in when people don’t fully believe they are up to the task, they’ll handle their new responsibilities with grace and self-confidence—meaning everyone else will perceive them as a leader, too.

Preparation for Career Advancement

Releasing Your Untapped Potential

Executive coaching can unlock the potential of underutilized leaders. These individuals are the hidden treasures that have remained undiscovered in the company despite their hard work. They are probably already good at what they do. However, no one knows just how good they really are—or could be. Joel’s PVI Model (Perception, Visibility, and Influence) releases their untapped potential and them how to:

  • Actively promote themselves as assets to your organization.

  • Create greater visibility by showcasing their capabilities and competencies.

  • Leverage their influence to alter and improve situations.

Show your leaders just how much you value and believe in them by providing them with career advancement coaching. With concrete strategies for moving up to the next level, they’ll seize the reins in their career and enjoy heightened job satisfaction. In return, you’ll get loyal, dedicated, and engaged leaders.

The next generation of leaders at your company need to be engaged, recognized, and supported. Career advancement coaching will show your top performers that you value them. Whether an employee is an aspiring leader or has managed a team for years, they can benefit immensely from this type of coaching.

Hire Joel for a Personalized Executive Coaching Program

Want to learn more about how to get started with an executive coaching program for your company? Contact Joel today.