Executive Presence Framework: Key for Success

A Clearly Defined Executive Presence Framework Is Needed for Career Success

Have you realized you need executive presence to reach the next level, but you aren’t sure where to begin? That’s the position most leaders start from when they realize they need executive presence.

To build executive presence, you need a strong framework to lay the foundation for all of your efforts. Choosing the right executive presence framework will shape your success on your journey to becoming a leader with executive presence.

The importance of an executive presence framework

Executive presence comprises a number of qualities that all work together. In other words, it’s complex. Using a solid framework for your executive presence allows you to organize and triage your efforts with the help of a clear structure. You’ll identify the most critical concerns and the hidden weaknesses you need to play up.

Without a framework, it’s tough to conceptualize executive presence and fully grasp what it entails. Using a well-grounded executive presence framework will make a tricky and often confusing subject straightforward and approachable.

How to use an executive presence framework

An executive presence framework will help you systematically examine your level of prowess within each of the executive presence components. You’ll unpack each area of executive presence and identify where you need to do more work. A good structure will provide clear, crisp descriptions of the executive presence qualities you need to develop.

A good framework provides an excellent introduction to executive presence. Moreover, you can continually refer back to it as you work to grow executive presence, which will help keep you on track.

For example, the 3×3 Executive Presence Model that I outline in the book, Executive Presence: Step into Your Power, Convey Confidence and Lead with Conviction, will help you to fully understand the 9 key domains of executive presence that I have identified. You can then use the tools from Executive Presence to enhance your ability in each of those areas.

Along the way to success, you’ll also need to reevaluate your executive presence at various points. Using the same executive presence framework throughout your journey will help you make accurate comparisons of your past and current performance. You’ll then be able to correctly evaluate your progress.

How does the 3×3 Executive Presence Model work?

The 3×3 Executive Presence Model articulates the 9 key qualities of executive presence, broken into the following 3 core domains:

  1. Gravitas
  2. Authority
  3. Expression

These key dimensions of executive presence are each made up of 3 main qualities.

Gravitas is how you show up. The following qualities together make up this domain:

    • Confident
    • Commanding
    • Charismatic

Authority, how you act, is made up of these three qualities:

    • Decisive
    • Bold
    • Influential

Expression, how you communicateis made up of these three:

    • Vocal
    • Insightful
    • Clear

Descriptions of the foundational pillars of executive presence, from my book, Executive Presence.

The 3×3 Model then defines each of those 9 qualities in more depth. This executive presence framework will guide you in assessing which of the 3 domains you are strongest in, and which ones you most lack. In Executive Presence, you’ll examine what each of the 9 qualities looks like in practice. You’ll also evaluate your own ability in each of these areas and gather feedback about how others perceive you. Gaining feedback from others who watch you in action will play a critical role in shaping your efforts. Using the 3×3 Model for guidance, you can ask specific questions related to your ability in each of the 9 key areas.

Using a good executive presence framework will keep you focused on the right goals. Furthermore, it will allow you to assess how you’ve improved over time. Consider working with an experienced executive presence coach as you begin your journey. An executive coach will keep you focused, motivated, and accountable, leveraging a great executive presence framework and proven executive presence success strategies to guide your growth.

Your organization needs you to grow your executive presence and become a next-level leader. Contact Joel to start executive presence coaching today! Or, hire Joel to conduct an executive presence corporate training programIf you want immediate help, buy his book, Executive Presence: Step into Your Power, Convey Confidence and Lead with Conviction.