What Does Executive Presence Look Like in Action?

Executive Presence in Action

Perhaps you’ve recently learned that to advance in your career, you need executive presence. But what does executive presence look like?

Learning what executive presence looks like will allow you to create a plan for cultivating it. Developing 9 core competencies will shape others’ perception of you as a leader with a strong executive presence. Understand what each of these 9 qualities looks like so you can begin displaying it in your daily interactions.

To develop executive presence, you need to understand the goal you’re aspiring toward. You need to be able to visualize what a leader with executive presence actually looks like in action.

Here’s how we describe a leader with executive presence:

  1. Confident
  2. Commanding
  3. Charismatic
  4. Decisive
  5. Bold
  6. Influential
  7. Vocal
  8. Insightful
  9. Clear

leader with executive presence exudes these 9 key qualities, which together act as the foundation of executive presence. In my 3×3 Executive Presence Model presented in my book Executive Presence: Step into Your Power, Convey Confidence and Lead with ConvictionI describe each of these 9 executive presence components in depth. The book explains what executive presence looks like in detail, but let’s take a quick look at each of these qualities now.


Leaders with executive presence assert themselves with confidence, whether in meetings with their team or discussions with senior leaders. They don’t feel intimidated by others based on their seniority; instead, they radiate a deep inner belief in themselves in every situation. If they have a controversial idea, they voice it unapologetically.


These leaders step up to the plate when the situation calls for strong leadership. If a team project doesn’t have a designated leader, they’ll take the reins. And they remain poised and composed through stormy waters, causing others to instinctively look to them for guidance.


People want to be around a leader with executive presence. These leaders help others to believe in themselves and inspire them with a compelling vision. They’re highly likeable because they care about others and show empathy in all their interactions. They can frequently be seen giving others constructive criticism that nurtures their growth, and sharing gratitude.


Leaders with executive presence act decisively. They don’t delay in making decisions, as they trust their own judgment and ability to assess a situation. They show conviction when announcing them, then stand firmly by their choices. If they need to correct course, they’ll do so in a timely manner, taking accountability for a project’s success.


These leaders voice bold ideas with the power to shake up the status quo. They don’t worry about what others will think. They know that the most valuable contributions change the way business is done, and that their company depends on them to innovate and take smart risks.


Leaders with executive presence have broad influence across their organization and beyond. Their proven track record and strong relationships lead others to seek out their input on new projects and ideas. Senior leaders value their opinion, and peers may view them as mentors.


Leaders with executive presence are vocal, sharing their ideas without hesitation. They have a strong presence in every meeting or interaction because they take an active part in every conversation. They don’t ramble, but they participate fully in every discussion. For example, they voice their thoughts on others’ ideas, discuss how to strengthen a proposed idea, and weigh the pros and cons of different options.


These leaders share insights persuasively. Because they take the time to develop powerful insights, they usually have valuable contributions to make. They are curious people who strive to learn continuously, while taking time to reflect on and synthesize their knowledge. New ideas come to them because they prioritize reflection, learning, and cross-pollination between disciplines.


Leaders with executive presence communicate clearly in every context—in meetings, in one-on-ones, and in writing. They emphasize the most important information for the audience they’re speaking to, in a succinct and straightforward manner. As a result, people can easily follow their instructions to achieve the desired outcome.

These qualities are equally important both in person and on virtual platforms, like LInkedIn. Now that you have a grasp of what executive presence looks like, consider which of the above areas you most need to develop. You may already have a strong idea, but gaining input from peers, your boss, and others can lend valuable perspective. You can also do an executive presence self-assessment to gain insights.

When developing executive presence, working with an executive presence coach will bring the best results. Enlisting the help of an experienced coach can put your development on overdrive, allowing you to grow at a much faster rate. The coach will point out hidden blind spots and strengths, giving you a clearer picture of how others perceive you. And the coach will guide you in setting and following a step-by-step plan for success, while keeping you motivated and accountable.

As you develop the 9 crucial qualities of executive presence, you’ll find that others treat you like a high-level leader. Better yet, you’ll start feeling like one. You’ll feel more empowered to voice your ideas and will believe in your own judgment more. For all of these reasons, executive presence is the key to success in your career.

Take the first step to cultivating executive presence. Contact Joel to get started with a an executive presence coach or hire him to come into your company and provide an executive presence training program. If you want immediate help, buy his book, Executive Presence: Step into Your Power, Convey Confidence and Lead with Conviction.