360 Degree Leadership Assessment Measuring Executive Presence

Benefits of a 360 Degree Leadership Assessment Focused on Executive Presence

A lack of executive presence affects a leader in negative ways that can have a serious impact on their career. Others may not even realize this person is the leader, if they don’t know their formal title. They don’t have the commanding presence that allows them to lead through crisis or influence others. They may even struggle to communicate clearly or make themselves heard in meetings.

Meanwhile, when someone has executive presence, they’re often mistaken for the leader even when they don’t hold that title. Everyone watching them can see their power and presence. People turn to them for advice and input when proposing a new project or idea. Everyone wants their approval and respect.

Let’s examine the three key benefits of a 360 leadership assessment.

1- Meaningful changes in behavior

A 360 degree leadership assessment can bring about meaningful changes in behavior, specifically in regard to executive presence. Those who struggle to understand where they fall short—or how to remedy the problem—will find a good assessment not just enlightening, but potentially career-changing.

2- Enhancing Self-Awareness

First, a 360 assessment dramatically enhances self-awareness. Leaders become aware of blind spots they need to address, as well as hidden strengths. They understand how others perceive them, and how to influence those perceptions, since the review invites input from a wide range of perspectives.

Without self-awareness, people often feel confused about why their organization promoted a colleague with equal education and skill. They may feel frustrated at their lack of career progress and unsure of how to gain traction. Or they may wonder why they struggle to build camaraderie with colleagues while others seem to have close working relationships. But a 360 leadership assessment can change all that.

Through a 360 review focused on executive presence, leaders become aware of needs for growth in a variety of areas. They’ll learn where their communication style, decision-making ability, and confidence have room to improve, for instance. The 360 leadership assessment can help them identify contexts where they struggle the most, too. For example, they may display more confidence and charisma in one-on-ones than in meetings. With help from an executive coach, they can learn to translate strengths they display in one area into all areas.

3- Catalyzing Lasting Change

A 360 degree leadership assessment exponentially increases the chances that a leader will make the necessary changes to excel at a high level. Through the assessment, they receive detailed insights on exactly how they can improve specific behaviors. With the lessons from a 360 degree leadership assessment, leaders will grow the key executive presence competencies.

If you want to crack the code of executive presence and unleash the “it” factor that makes great leaders, apply the 9 competencies that make up a leader with executive presence.

  • Show up with confidence.

    They’ll learn how to emanate confidence in every interaction, whether speaking with a superior or a team of direct reports. People will trust their judgment implicitly.

  • Command a room.

    They’ll learn how to take charge in any situation, demonstrating the commanding presence of a great leader. No one will question who is in the driver’s seat.

  • Radiate charisma.

    They’ll learn to exude charisma, becoming someone that everyone wants to be around. They’ll motivate and inspire others to perform at their best.

  • Act boldly.

    They’ll act courageously in every type of situation, even when the stakes are high. Their choices will steer the organization in exciting new directions.

  • Make great decisions.

    They’ll learn principles for making the best decisions even when they have imperfect information—and following through.

  • Exude influence.

    They’ll learn how to expand their influence throughout the organization, shaping high-level strategic decisions and key efforts.

  • Speak up consistently.

    They’ll learn to speak up and be a vocal participant in meetings and other interactions instead of just watching things happen.

  • Share exceptional insights.

    They’ll know how to draw forth their own best insights and make them known to the group. As a result, people will view them as a visionary leader.

  • Express ideas powerfully.

    They’ll learn how to deliver ideas clearly and compellingly in every interaction. No longer will their great ideas go unheard and unacknowledged.

An experienced executive coach will work with leaders after the 360 degree survey to put the lessons they’ve learned into action. Leaders who develop the above skill set will become known as excellent communicators who act courageously in any situation. Having a skilled executive presence coach to help them put the lessons from a good 360 assessment tool into practice will greatly enhance their success.

They’ll receive guidance on gaining continued feedback in a structured way to shine light on their progress. Working with an executive coach will help them hold themselves accountable for making the necessary changes and increase motivation, as they’ll know they have the tools to succeed.

Enlist the help of an experienced executive presence coach to conduct a successful 360 degree assessment. Leaders will benefit immensely from the detailed results and expert guidance this coach can provide. Contact Joel today to get started.