Category Archives: Women in Leadership

Women leaders represent a real competitive advantage for companies. An organization has to focus on advocating for women to occupy more leadership roles. These articles will help you make the development of women leaders a top priority.

Men & Women in Business Leadership

Several recent studies show that men and women working together in business leadership produce better results than men only businesses. The collaborative effort results in a stronger bottom line, and increased innovation and accountability.

Roy D. Adler and his colleagues at the Pepperdine University found the “correlation between high-level female executives and business success has been consistent and revealing.”

The Catalyst Report, Linking Performance and Gender Balance on the Board found that Fortune 500 companies with 3 or more women on the board had significant performance advantages: 83% better return on equity and 112% better return on invested capital.

Clearly it’s in the best interest of businesses to foster the growth of both men and women to business leadership positions.

The Value Men and Women bring to Businesses The best minds.

Companies benefit from the best minds. To reduce the pool of qualified talent for any reason or in any way … Continue reading Men & Women in Business Leadership

The Business of Placing Women in Leadership

For years women have struggled against the “Glass Ceiling” or the “Pink Ghetto.” More women are graduating from college than men. Women flood the work force. Why then are only about 19% are in the C-suite?

“Research has shown that women leaders are good for business. Companies with the highest representations of women in leadership roles show better financial performance,” writes Anna Marie Valerio in Business Week.

Even though research shows companies benefit from women leaders and companies say they want high ranking female executives. Studies show women lag behind men in this area.

Here are five ways businesses can seriously and deliberately create a plan to promote women to jobs in equal proportions as men.

Commitment from the Top.

More than lip service or inclination, the top leadership must have a total commitment to hiring and promoting with gender diversity. When the CEO’s are adamant … Continue reading The Business of Placing Women in Leadership

How Women Entrepreneurs Enrich their Lives and Businesses with Coaching

Women own more than 8 million non-farm businesses and the number of women entrepreneurs is increasing rapidly. However, the income from these companies is just 4% of the total income generated from all businesses.

How can business coaching help more women entrepreneurs find the success they want in life?

Women approach business and the challenges that come to them in a different way.  They are more likely to co-mingle family and work.  Here are four ways coaching that focuses on both life and business can assist women in defining, refining, and achieving their business goals.

Recognize the mix of family and work.

Many women start their own businesses especially because they want the flexibility to have time for family.  The entrepreneurial lifestyle can foster freedom and independence. However, it can also take total control of your life.  Start-ups by women have markedly less funding then men’s new ventures. So … Continue reading How Women Entrepreneurs Enrich their Lives and Businesses with Coaching

Women are Needed in Leadership Roles: They Impact the Business

Women in leadership roles in business continue to be a topic of much discussion around the boardrooms and water coolers of companies large and small. Smart companies know that women leaders bring a lot to the table. Yet a study conducted by UC Davis in 2011 reveals that women occupy only 9.7% of the board seats and top executive positions in California companies.

What’s wrong with this picture? And what do women themselves need to do to change it?

Women leaders in business sometimes feel compelled to duplicate the male leadership model. Big mistake. If you do that, you are sacrificing your own strengths and personal power. If you’re feeling that kind of pressure to conform, remind yourself to read situations and rely on your own emotional intelligence rather than fitting into some template others have created for you.

Here are 3 ways women in leadership roles can impact the … Continue reading Women are Needed in Leadership Roles: They Impact the Business