Category Archives: Self-Promotion: Spread the Word about You

Learn the art of self promotion so you can use it to your advantage. If you don’t self-promote effectively, your work goes unnoticed and your career will suffer. You’ll be overlooked and unnoticed. It’s vital to let people know of your achievements, their impact and how you provide value.

5 Tips for Bragging at Work without Sounding Like You’re Bragging

Do you want to make your strengths more widely known, but worry about being seen as a braggart? You’re not alone—that’s a common fear among employees in most workplaces. Many people feel their coworkers and company leadership don’t know about their core strengths, yet they’re afraid to speak up about them, lest others perceive them as boasting.

Bragging about yourself doesn’t only show others what you can do (when done tactfully). Bragging at work can also convince you that you’re capable of tackling more challenging tasks and projects. It builds your personal morale, giving you the momentum to keep moving forward by taking on exciting new endeavors at work.

Bragging about yourself can give you the same types of good feelings as great food or money, an article in The New York Times explains. It’s like a great reward for a job well done.

Researchers found that sharing … Continue reading 5 Tips for Bragging at Work without Sounding Like You’re Bragging

Share Your Achievements to Get Recognition at Work

Client Matt Asks: I never seem to get the recognition I deserve for my work, but I’m afraid to say anything because it might seem like I’m bragging. Is it appropriate to mention my accomplishments to others at work?

Coach Joel Answers: You know you’re good at what you do and deserve to get more recognition, increased responsibility and a probably even a promotion. But does anyone else know?

Many employees are passed by or completely overlooked simply because senior management doesn’t know how valuable they are. Others may even get credit for their hard work.

In a Newsweek article, Sharon Allen, Chairman of the board, Deloitte & Touche USA, said: “Take responsibility for your own career. Don’t assume that others are aware of the good work you’re doing. When I was a young accountant, I was unhappy about not getting a promotion. I went to my supervisor … Continue reading Share Your Achievements to Get Recognition at Work

Don’t Let Your Work Speak for Itself: 3 Ways to Increase Your Visibility

Anne asks:

The people I work with on a daily basis appreciate the work I produce. But I’m having trouble expanding my reputation for high-quality work beyond them. How should I approach my work in order to become more visible in my workplace?

Joel replies:

Here are a few strategies that will help you gain visibility, which requires careful self-branding. In contrast, passively letting your quality work speak for itself would leave you unnoticed, although many people view this as their sole strategy for advancement. These strategies will help you create a strong visibility plan that will make key players throughout your organization appreciate your great work.

Identify key decision makers in your company and gain exposure to them.

Make a list of all the key decision makers in your organization, and create a strategy for becoming visible to each of them. You might have another colleague who … Continue reading Don’t Let Your Work Speak for Itself: 3 Ways to Increase Your Visibility

How and Why to Toot Your Own Horn at Work

Janet Asks: I feel like my accomplishments go unnoticed at work and I’m not comfortable bringing them up. I want others to see my strengths and achievements, but I don’t want to come across as bragging. What should I do?

Joel Answers: No one wants to sound like they’re bragging about their own accomplishments. You want to be noticed, but not for being egotistical. However, there are plenty of ways to toot your own horn at work in a way that people admire and respect.

Figure out what makes you interesting

Think about what makes you stand out at work. Do you have any hobbies most people don’t know about at work? Have you overcome any major challenges to get where you are? Figure out what aspects of your life make good stories. Sprinkle these tidbits of information into conversations at work, so coworkers see a richer picture of … Continue reading How and Why to Toot Your Own Horn at Work

The Keys to Effective Self-Promotion

“Self-promotion is a leadership and political skill that is critical to master in order to navigate the realities of the workplace and position you for success.”

~Bonnie Marcus

Most people are reluctant to promote themselves and their work. Are you one of them? You might update your boss about a few noteworthy accomplishments, but usually you stay humble and keep your nose pressed to the grindstone. Heaven forbid anyone accuse you of bragging!

My work speaks for itself,” you think to yourself. “I don’t need to grandstand to get noticed and get ahead.”



Having coached hundreds of clients, I’ve learned that the employees who advance the furthest and fastest aren’t necessarily the most talented or deserving. One quality they almost always share is the ability to effectively communicate their impact and value to others in their organizations.

They’re able to Continue reading The Keys to Effective Self-Promotion

How to Get Credit for Your Work

Joel’s coaching focuses on effective ways to communicate your value and contribution to leadership. If you ever wondered why you are not receiving due recognition for your work and value to the company, this program is definitely for you.”

Rick Esker, Director, Mobility Alliances Group, CISCO SYSTEMS

Getting credit for your work is not always easy. You can do great work, but if no one knows you were responsible for the outstanding results, you won’t get recognized. The key to getting credit for your accomplishments is doing an effective job at promoting yourself and letting other people know what you did. This includes the work you completed, the projects you contributed to, and the beneficial ideas that you came up with.

If you don’t do this proactively, you’re leaving the door wide open for others to intentionally or unintentionally steal credit. “What motivates people to … Continue reading How to Get Credit for Your Work

Blow your own horn: does senior management know how valuable you are?

In a Newsweek article, Sharon Allen, Chairman of the board, Deloitte & Touche USA, said:

“Take responsibility for your own career. Don’t assume that others are aware of the good work you’re doing. When I was a young accountant, I was unhappy about not getting a  promotion. I went to my supervisor and told him all of these things that I thought I should be given credit for and he said, ‘Well, gee, I didn’t know that you had done all of these things.’ It was a real wakeup call. You don’t have to be a bragger, but I think it’s very important that we make people aware of our accomplishments…”

Blow your own horn: does senior management know how valuable you are?