Category Archives: How to Be a Great Boss
Trademarks of a great boss: Provide growth opportunities
Why Talent Development in Business Matters
Jack Welch said it best: “My main job was developing talent. I was a gardener providing water and other nourishment to our top 750 people. Of course, I had to pull out some weeds, too.”
Developing high potentials should be a top priority in any successful executive’s strategic plan. Writing in the journal, Leadership Excellence (May 2011), Louis Carter and Brian Fishel discuss talent development in business, based on the findings of their Talent Management Survey. Their research indicates that 82% of the companies surveyed had either a formal or an informal talent management program. How do you rate? Are you part of the 82%? Are your flowers flourishing? A good talent development program will accomplish three things: it will attract, grow, and retain top talent.
Here are 4 action items that should be included in your talent development plan. Put people first.
Of course your talent development and … Continue reading Why Talent Development in Business Matters
Men and Women in Leadership – Helping Their Employees Succeed
As a manager, motivating and helping your employees succeed ought to be among your top priorities. You need to build a succession plan with a leadership bench that is broad, wide, and deep. The people in your work group need the leadership, direction and support that only you can provide. In this article, you’ll find seven proven strategies managers can use to help employees reach their full potential and be ready for the next move up the organizational ladder.
Employees who have gaps in their knowledge and skills aren’t able to do the job as well as managers need them to. American schools are training workers who are woefully unprepared for the jobs of America’s future. Not every worker needs to be a college graduate. Indeed, perhaps 30-40% of new jobs will require college degrees. However at least 89 percent will need some post-high school vocational training. … Continue reading Men and Women in Leadership – Helping Their Employees Succeed
People Don’t Walk Out of Companies; They Walk Out on Managers
Ways Managers Can Improve
Employees Performance at Work
It’s not easy keeping a smile on your face in today’s business environment. Employers are faced with laying off employees, cutting benefits, workplace perks like bottled water and birthday parties. Managers and employees alike are focused on survival. Enjoyment seems to have taken a back seat.
It’s easy to let the good times roll when business is booming. But when times are tough, it’s more important than ever to create a positive work environment.
According to a recent article in the Chicago Sun Times, even in a lackluster economy, there are numerous inexpensive ways to improve morale of your staff.
Here are tips on ways managers can improve their employees performance at work Survey your employees.
Successful employee retention and promotion begins with assessment. Get their feedback on existing programs and on what they think they need. Even more important, use an employee retention survey to find out … Continue reading Ways Managers Can Improve
Employees Performance at Work
Memo to managers: How to use the accountability factor to boost performance
Why Employees Leave Their Managers
Organizations that ignore intangible workforce motivators will sabotage the one thing every employee needs in today’s challenging work environment: resilience.
It’s rare that employees quit because they are disgusted with an entire company. One of the top reasons employees cite when leaving a job is either disagreement with or disapproval of their immediate supervisor, according to Leigh Branham in The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave, based on 19,000 exit interviews conducted by the Saratoga Institute. An obnoxious manager can cause even the most loyal employee to consider a job change, especially if said employee sees little chance for a promotion or transfer.