Category Archives: Career Advice

Looking for career advice on negotiating your salary, job searching, or stepping into a new job? Whether you’re feeling stuck in your career track, accepting a new management job, or wondering if now is the right time to ask for a promotion, Joel has answers for you. These articles will help you land the job of your dreams, shift career track if necessary, make an action plan for the first 90 days of a new job, manage your time wisely, and get the salary you deserve.

Even if you’ve experienced hurdles like being laid off, these articles will help you move forward in your career by planning effectively and leveraging your strengths. No matter what challenges you face, creative thinking and conviction in your abilities will help you to triumph over them and achieve a rewarding career.

How to Celebrate Failure

Trevor wanted his people to be pillars of innovation and creativity. When he came to me for coaching around innovation, he mentioned how fearful his team was in taking risks and possibly touching failure. I asked him, “What are you doing to celebrate failures?” Like many leaders, he had no answer. We then looked at some fun ways that corporate leaders have learned to take their failures and celebrate them. In doing so, they help their most creative people to develop exciting new ideas.

Celebrating your failures is just as important as celebrating your success. Here’s some ideas for you.

Hold an Idea Funeral

Holding an idea funeral is a fun way to learn from the failure as a group, as Annabel Acton says in an Inc. article. Take turns eulogizing the idea or project you’re “burying,” sharing lessons learned. Focus on its merits as well as the … Continue reading How to Celebrate Failure

Promote Yourself to the Job of your Dreams

Agnes asks: My day job has become so monotonous and predictable. I’m ready for greater challenges, but I’m not clear on when the next promotion opportunity will arise. I want to be prepared to seize the moment when it does, since I’m eager for a change. How can I do that?

Joel answers: It sounds to me like it’s time to promote yourself to the job you wish you had. The best way to set yourself up for a promotion to your dream job is to show that you’re already excelling at the work. If you find your current responsibilities boring, bigger challenges are definitely in order.

Increasing your responsibilities is all about good time management, whether you’re accepting a promotion or trying to prove you’re ready for one. Here’s a sobering fact: The 72-hour workweek is fast becoming the new norm, according to the Harvard Business … Continue reading Promote Yourself to the Job of your Dreams

Articles on Leadership Qualities

In a crazy, hectic world, how can you find the time to improve your leadership skills? There’s a saying: “When you’re up to you ankles in alligators, it’s hard to find time to drain the swamp.”

When you find every day filled with other commitments, it’s hard to find time to improve your leadership qualities to become a better boss. What if I gave you a way to gain those valuable leadership tools in just minutes a day?

You can do it on your train commute, or during a lunch break. The secret? Read articles on leadership qualities. I’ll tell you:

Why this simple tip will boost your leadership and Where you can go to find great articles. How can articles on leadership qualities help you? Articles are condensed.

Books take time to read, but articles capture the essence of a single leadership tip in a bite … Continue reading Articles on Leadership Qualities