Coping With Toxic Coworkers
From time to time we all have to deal with overly-critical and toxic coworkers, clients, supervisors and other “nay-sayers” in the workplace.
#1 Issue With Toxic Coworkers – Being Critical
Criticism shows up in a number of different ways. It can be blatant and very public, such as someone pointing out your budget errors in a staff meeting or making fun of your idea for a new ad campaign.
It can also be sneaky and snarky, such as the co-worker who critiques your latest project in the coffee room—when you’re not even present to defend yourself.
You’ll need two things to cope with criticism effectively: assertiveness and self-confidence. Take those key ingredients and incorporate them into these four common sense tips to sustain your sanity when the critics are nipping at your heels. (These are based on my workbook Love Your Work.)
4 Tips on How to Deal … Continue reading Coping With Toxic Coworkers