Category Archives: Build and Manage Great Teams
6 Ways to Create a Credit-Sharing Company Culture
Wouldn’t it be great if you worked at a company where people were routinely recognized for doing outstanding work? Where others tooted your horn for you so you didn’t have to blow it quite so loudly yourself?
A credit-sharing culture doesn’t have to be a fairy tale. In fact, you can help create one by being the person at your company who always goes out of your way to tell others what a great job they are doing.
Here are some things you can do to create a credit-sharing company culture.
3 Strategies to
Build a Team of Relationships
Most C-level executives and top management leaders know that establishing positive relationships with colleagues and building strong teams is necessary to improve work productivity levels and increase profits. Some common management approaches to building a team of relationships include attending team building workshops and hosting corporate events, outings, and parties to encourage camaraderie. Managers often send employees to personal growth seminars in the hopes that they will become better team players.
Although all of the above approaches work to a certain level, smart executives know that the best kind of team building is that which happens every day in the regular work environment.
Example of Building a Team of Important Relationships
For example, when Hewlett Packard just started out, Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard formulated a system to manage their staff by a method they called “management by walking around.” Each week they would get away from their … Continue reading 3 Strategies to
Build a Team of Relationships
6 Strategies to Building a Stronger Team
of Intrapersonal Relationships
In business, the main focus is often on the bottom line, and things like relationships get pushed to the back burner. But relationships are important in business, whether you are talking about relationships with your customers, your team members, or even yourself. By putting strategies in place to improve team building and intrapersonal relationships at work, you’ll not only enjoy a happier, healthier workplace but you might just see a positive impact on the bottom line as well. Here are six strategies to help you build stronger team and intrapersonal relationships among your employees.
Do you want to build a stronger team?
You need an executive coach to help you improve your team. Hire Joel Garfinkle to help you improve interpersonal relationships among your employees.
6 strategies to help you build a stronger team and intrapersonal relationships among your employees. Set … Continue reading 6 Strategies to Building a Stronger Team
of Intrapersonal Relationships
Lessons on Teamwork from Really Bad Team Members
The best managers understand that effective leaders are also solid team players. The workplace is filled with capable teammates — even some who take initiative, overdeliver and inspire colleagues. Unfortunately, there’s also the occasional employee who has no idea how to collaborate or communicate effectively. Such poor performers aren’t entirely useless, though. They offer some of the most poignant lessons on teamwork and leadership.
Here are seven things failing team members do — and what you can learn from them.