Category Archives: How to Be a Great Boss

Why do good people quit their jobs? According to a Gallup poll, bad bosses are at the top of the list. So what does it take to be a good boss? Check out the articles in this section to learn how you can become a better boss and keep your employees motivated and happy.

Why Employees Leave Their Managers

Organizations that ignore intangible workforce motivators will sabotage the one thing every employee needs in today’s challenging work environment: resilience.

It’s rare that employees quit because they are disgusted with an entire company. One of the top reasons employees cite when leaving a job is either disagreement with or disapproval of their immediate supervisor, according to Leigh Branham in The 7 Hidden Reasons Employees Leave, based on 19,000 exit interviews conducted by the Saratoga Institute. An obnoxious manager can cause even the most loyal employee to consider a job change, especially if said employee sees little chance for a promotion or transfer.