3 of the Most Effective Ways to Provide Feedback

I’ve come across many star employees, even those with top executive leadership skills who find the area of performance reviews a mundane, tiresome task. It doesn’t matter if they themselves are being reviewed or if they are the reviewers; some people just shun the idea of giving and receiving feedback.

Why? Maybe it’s because they don’t want to face a difficult, uneasy situation if it may arise. Some feel they might be humiliating their colleagues or there are those who don’t want to voice their opinion because they fear being disliked. Then there is the defensive type. These people find it hard to take criticism. Others can’t give effective feedback because they don’t want to hurt their co-workers’ feelings.

Whatever the reason, one important point to keep in mind is that there is no such thing as positive or negative feedback—it’s just feedback. If you give and receive feedback with this mindset, you can do a much better job of finding effective ways to provide quality feedback without having any “hard feelings” attached.

The Most Effective Ways to Provide Feedback

Make sure all answers and suggestions are being delivered in the right way.

Give constructive criticism regarding negative actions and behaviors and offer career development tips the individual can implement right away.

Feedback is feedback.

Don’t think of feedback as positive or negative. This can actually inhibit your ability to say what you truly want to say. Just as an art critique is of the painting and not of the artist, you’re giving effective feedback on the behaviors that need to be corrected not on the individual’s character.

What information would help this person do a better job?

This is an important question to ask yourself as you give feedback, as your ultimate goal is to encourage behaviors that will ultimately help the individual get ahead and have a positive impact on co-workers and the firm at large.

If you’re on the receiving end, it is imperative to ask the right questions to make sure you get the best possible advice. Business Management Daily has published a post entitled, “How to Ask for Feedback,” that includes some tips from my book, Getting Ahead. Follow these tips to get constructive feedback to help you improve your performance at work.

Discover more effective ways to provide feedback or order my book Getting Ahead: Three Steps to Take Your Career to the Next Level for more practical tips to help you advance in your career!