Category Archives: Utilize Executive Coaching for Career Success

Executive coaches are to business professionals what master musicians are to aspiring performers: they guide the thriving careers of their clients to help them reach the peak of their abilities. If you want to overcome your leadership shortcomings, fulfill your executive potential or advance up the corporate ladder quickly, hiring an executive coach may prove to be one of the strongest career moves you could ever make.

Difference Between a Life Coach, a Personal Coach & an Executive Coach?

Elizabeth asks: How can I tell if I need a life coach, a personal coach, or an executive coach?  Is there a difference?

Joel answers:   The kind of coach you need depends on the area in your life you want to focus on.  As I explain the differences between life, personal and executive coaches, you’ll see what I mean.

Executive coaching:

Focuses on helping the person achieve more at work.  It may deal with peer relationships or communication. It might help the worker advance in his or her career or understand how to add value to the company.

Executive coaching helps turn managers into leaders, increases job satisfaction and reduces job stress.  This coaching focuses on the relationship between the client and his or her work situation.

For example, Nathan felt like he was … Continue reading Difference Between a Life Coach, a Personal Coach & an Executive Coach?

7 Reasons You Might Need an Executive Coach

Is executive coaching for executives only? Not at all! If you want to develop your leadership skills and take on greater responsibility within your company, executive coaching can help. Whether you’re in Boulder, Chicago, San Francisco, or anywhere else, if you’d like to move ahead in your career, an executive coach may be just what you need to help you advance in your organization.

Some reasons you might need an executive coach include:

1. You are facing obstacles at work.

Whatever it is that you are facing, it can help to have an experienced coach evaluate the situation and provide advice based on the extensive experience he or she has accumulated while working with other clients. Whether you feel like you’ve hit a ceiling or are unable to achieve work/life balance, a coach can help you overcome the hurdles you’ve encountered.

2. You have reached … Continue reading 7 Reasons You Might Need an Executive Coach

How to Transition Your Career with a Personal Business Coach

Want to Get Ahead? Make the Transition with a Personal Business Coach

Has there ever been a time in your career when someone else got promoted and you wondered what they did to get there? And more importantly, did you ask yourself, “Why wasn’t that person me?”

What’s their secret?

At certain points in your career, it can be hard to see others getting ahead even though you feel you’re performing 110% day in and day out. You might have asked yourself, “What do they have that I don’t?” If you haven’t been able to put your finger on the answer, I suggest you read a recent interview I did for Mike Henry, the founder of the Lead Change Group, that answers all of the above questions and more. Click here to read the full interview now:

As you read the interview, you’ll learn about my … Continue reading How to Transition Your Career with a Personal Business Coach

Want More Success? A Personal Leadership Coach Can Help

Personal leadership coaches will help you convey confidence as a business leader. You’ll learn how to be respected as an authority, create impact and provide value at work. A leadership coach will help you develop your executive presence so you can operate at the highest level and become an influential business leader.

Assessing your strengths and weaknesses.

An executive coach will discover your strengths and weaknesses personally and professionally, developing strategies to take advantage of your strengths and determining ways to counter your weaknesses. A coach will also help you navigate the changes sweeping workplaces around the world as technologies evolve, upgrading your skill set to remain highly marketable.

Navigating professional challenges.

Personal leadership coaches help you when you are seeking career and job advancement. An executive coach will … Continue reading Want More Success? A Personal Leadership Coach Can Help

The “Swiss Army Knife” Tool for Optimum Leadership Development

Client Fahad Asks:  There are so many programs out there claiming to develop leadership in people. It’s hard to know which are effective and which are money-stealers.  Isn’t there one tool that can do it all?  Can’t it be simple?

Coach Joel Answers:  Great question, Fahad.

When you’re looking for a tool, you want something simple, effective, and right for the job.  You want best value and precise results.  We all know what happens when we try to use the wrong tool for the job.  It can ruin things.

To answer your question, there is something that works for developing leadership in people. It works in all cases. Like the Swiss army knife, it holds all the implements needed to solve the problem at hand.

Let’s discuss how leadership coaching can be your tool of choice.

1. Simple.

Rather than buying dozens of … Continue reading The “Swiss Army Knife” Tool for Optimum Leadership Development

Apply Learning from Executive Coaching & Train Like an Athlete

Q:  Jamie asks:  I read lots of material on how to improve in organization, skill level, and leadership.  I work at it for a few days.  Then I find myself going back to my old way of doing things.  How can I actually change myself permanently?

A:  Coach Joel Answers: You ask a great question, Jamie. This is the secret to success in all walks of life:  Knowing how to take information and apply it in your life.

One technique is to take your Executive Coaching and train like an athlete. Athletes take their training seriously.  As you think of yourself as an “Executive Athlete,” you may be motivated to stick to your plan.

1. Think about it daily.

Athletes make training a priority.  They think about it and plan time to practice their skill every day.  Calendar your training.  What can you do today to … Continue reading Apply Learning from Executive Coaching & Train Like an Athlete

Executive Coaching Consultants Help with Job Dissatisfaction

Marcia is stuck at the bottom of a very deep pit. She hates her job. She got hired at the bottom of the last recession and at that point, any job looked good, and this one looked even better than good. So she convinced herself this was a great move for her and five years later, she’d rather be anywhere but here. So what now? Just that morning she had watched a TV show where an executive coaching consultant was a featured guest. Marcia had never considered hiring a coach or consultant, but as a mid-level executive in a stagnant company, she was going nowhere fast. She began to focus on some of the ideas the coach presented. Marcia decided to take some of his advice and use her frustration to design a replacement strategy. She took his four key questions and started reworking them to … Continue reading Executive Coaching Consultants Help with Job Dissatisfaction

Business Leaders Benefit by
Consulting with an Executive Coach

Business leaders benefit greatly from executive coaching, consulting one-on-one with a trusted expert about how to enhance their leadership skillset. They gain actionable strategies that they can begin to leverage in their daily work right away, along with personalized advice on how to implement them. Top 3 Most Prominent Areas of Coaching Focus What Business … Continue reading Business Leaders Benefit by
Consulting with an Executive Coach

Executive Coaching & Consulting
A Talent Management Strategy

Executive coaching is one of the most effective talent management tools. By consulting with leaders about their needs and crafting a clear plan of action, tangible results are achieved. The integration of executive coaching into your talent management strategy will help you retain your best talent, groom high potentials, and turn your top performers into influential leaders.

As an executive coach, with a background working for Anderson Consulting and Ernst & Young, I learned the impact talent management has in developing future leaders. Supporting them in transition, new roles, increased responsibility, and high profile projects.

Executive coaching can become a true differentiator in talent management.

By consulting with leaders, about their approach, a coach can help them implement real change in your organization. Executive coaching helps you develop a team of leaders who coach their own people and think strategically about how to cultivate their skills. In … Continue reading Executive Coaching & Consulting
A Talent Management Strategy

7 Steps to Choose a Top Consultant to Manage & Motivate Your Talent

Managing your talent may be one of the most profitable things a business can do. When companies skillfully promote talent with great succession planning, they retain all the costs of the experience and training they’ve put into their people.

To best make this happen, top companies hire expert consultants to focus and simplify their efforts. When planning an executive leadership development program, what credentials should companies look for in these consultants? What skills and attributes will produce the most cost-effective results?

7 Key Points to Consider When Choosing a Top Consultant Choose for Your Talent Management Experience.

Moving from management to leadership doesn’t just happen. It takes skilled business leadership coaching to make this important transition smooth and successful. Trust your team to an executive coach who has experience in grooming and training managers to be leaders. Look at who they have trained in the past. … Continue reading 7 Steps to Choose a Top Consultant to Manage & Motivate Your Talent